Welcome to the Site of the Mount Klitsa Garden Club!

The Mount Klitsa Garden Club meets the first Thursday of the month, except in June when we have a Summer Social at a member’s home. There are no meetings in July or August.  This is when we spend time in our gardens!

In September there is no regular meeting since we are busy preparing our entry into the Fall Fair. In December we have a Christmas dinner at a local restaurant.

We have a monthly speaker as well as a Parlour Show where members bring floral arrangements based on a monthly theme.  The raffle is also a very popular part of our monthly program.  Plants and other items donated by members are often available for sale at  our meetings at very reasonable prices.

Meetings take place in the Dogwood Room at Echo Centre starting at 7:00 p.m.

New members are always welcome. Our annual fee is $20. We hope to see you there!